Derma Pen Pro vs. Face Roller: How to Know Which Microneedling Device to Use? - Derma Roller Philippines

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Derma Pen Pro vs. Face Ro...

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Microneedling, also known as Collagen Induction Therapy, is a minimally invasive procedure that entails micro needles puncturing the skin to trigger the body’s natural healing process. As a result, the skin induces natural production of collagen which helps in skin repair and rejuvenation, tightening of large pores, improving the appearance of acne scars and stretch marks, as well as, removing acne marks, dark spots, and wrinkles. Now there are various devices used for micro needling. Face Roller is the more traditional device, while Derma Pen Pro is an upgrade from the roller. While both devices deliver the same results effectively, each has unique mechanisms that can be suitable for your skin condition. In choosing which micro needling device to use, consider the following factors in making an appropriate decision.

Device Operation

Face Rollers are used for manual rolling. If you’re quite familiar with applying with the right pressure without puncturing the skin too deeply, you may go with this device. For proper use and additional tips on the procedure, you may refer to this basic dermarolling guide. However, if you are new to micro needling, you may opt for the easier device operation of Derma Pen Pro which is motorized. It has an adjustable speed that moves the needles rapidly, in and out of the safety casing. This safety casing, when in contact with the skin, regulates the pressure when applying and allows for controlled and consistent penetration of the needles. Check out Derma Roller Philippines Youtube channel to see how it’s done.

Needle Size

Derma Pen Pro comes with an adjustable needle size knob which allows changing of needle sizes from 0.25mm to 2.00mm. Because of this, you can treat multiple skin conditions in different areas of the skin in one go. With Face Roller, however, you only get to use one needle size.

So, for instance, you want to take care of your wrinkles, dark spots and acne marks. With a roller, you’ll have to prepare 0.50mm, 0.75mm and 1.50mm needle sizes for these skin conditions, separately. For such scenarios, using the pen is the most convenient option.

Reference for needle size indication is provided below.

Punctures Per Second

Face Rollers insert needles at a 45-degree angle at 100 punctures per second. This makes the treatment with this device a bit more painful and less comfortable. As compared to Derma Pen Pro, the experience will be less painful as the needles enter the skin at a 90-degree angle. Because of the vertical direction of the needles and the speed of puncture at 700-1300 punctures per second (depending on the speed level you choose), the device can be safely applied by sliding it through the skin in circular motion without causing any epidermal damage. If you’re quite intolerant to pain, apply a numbing cream such as Max Numb.


With a narrow cartridge, Derma Pen Pro can conveniently target hard-to-reach skin areas that rollers cannot get to such as around the eyes, nose, and lips. Additionally, if you only want to treat a certain area without disturbing the adjoining skin, using the pen would be the best solution. In contrast, if you need to cover your whole face with the procedure, Face Roller would be a good choice since it has a wider coverage for treatment.

Usage Duration

If you’re considering making micro-needling a part of your skincare regimen for the long term, Derma Pen Pro is the way to go. With proper care and handling, the device can be used for a lifetime. You just need to change the needle cartridges which is good for only one use. On the other hand, Face Roller is reusable for one year with continual usage. After which, you must dispose of it already to prevent any skin damage or infection.


Always choose the best for your skin…

Both micro needling devices use the same principle of collagen induction and are effective in treating scars, dark spots, wrinkles, etc. With regards to which device is best, it is entirely dependent on the user’s preference, convenience, and suitability. What is most important here is to always choose the best for your skin. Always purchase premium quality products with real medical high-grade titanium needles. Lookup for C E, RoHS, and FDA certification of the device you’ll purchase. You can check out Derma Roller Philippines’ licenses, permits, and certifications on the FAQ page. These certifications are significant as it assures you that the device has been inspected and certified to pass high-quality standards.

Always remember that personal skincare is an investment, not an experiment! Happy rolling!

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