Skin Care Habits for Healthy-Looking Skin at Home! - Derma Roller Philippines

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A lot of people invest so much on skincare products and still not achieve that clear, vibrant, beautiful skin. What they fail to realize is that skin care is a lifestyle. That is to say, it is much more than the daily regimen of applying products. The key to having a healthy-looking skin is actually a combination of good skin care habits boosted by effective skin care products. If you’re wondering why you’re not seeing improvements after microneedling or any other procedures, then you might also need to consider following these good skin care habits.

Skin Care Habits 1: Drink Lots of Water

Drink lots of water.

Human bodies are made up of 70% water. Therefore, drinking the recommended daily intake of 2.5 to 3 liters is essential to our overall health. Water hydrates our skin from the inside where moisturizers and serums could not reach. Without enough consumption, our skin becomes dry and loses its elasticity. Moreover, wrinkles and enlarged pores are more likely to be prominent. In addition, avoid excessive alcohol intake as it contains toxins that causes skin dehydration.

Skin Care Habits 2: Eat Healthy Foods

Eat healthy foods.

What goes inside our body is much more important than what we put outside of it. Beautiful skin starts by giving proper nourishment from within. Include foods that are rich in antioxidants, vitamins A-C-E and healthy fats in your diet such as tomatoes, carrots, salmon, avocado, berries, nuts, spinach and other green leafy vegetables. Avoid junk foods and foods high in sugar at all cost as it causes acne and increases oil production in the skin.

Skin Care Habits 3: Apply Sunscreen

Apply sunscreen.

The number one cause of dark spots, skin discoloration and skin aging is UV exposure. To keep your skin younger-looking, always apply a sunscreen before going out. Furthermore, sunscreen reduces the risk of sunburn and skin cancer.

Skin Care Habits 4: Manage Stress

Manage stress.

Much more than the emotional and mental effects, stress can have serious physical consequences especially on our skin. When stressed, our body increases its production of cortisol, a hormone responsible for oil production in the skin. Excessive oil can clog the pores and lead to acne. It also impairs the proteins and lipids in the skin which negatively affects the skin’s water retention causing dryness, wrinkles and loss of elasticity. Prevent all these by applying stress management techniques such as meditation, breathing exercises and seeking professional help.

Skin Care Habits 5: Stay Physically Active

Stay physically active.

There are numerous reasons as to why physical activity should be included in your skin care habits. First, exercise promotes production of the skin’s natural moisturizers and it flushes out harmful toxins which cause blemishes as the pores open up when sweating. Second, it keeps the heart rate up enhancing blood circulation which delivers oxygen and nutrients to the skin. Lastly, exercise helps in managing stress and getting better sleep. With all these benefits, just remember to observe proper hygiene and clean up after any work out to prevent any bacteria from sticking in your skin.

Skin Care Habits 6: Cleanse Before Going to Bed

Cleanse before going to bed.

At the end of the day, our skin carries tons of dirt and free radicals from the environment. This makes cleansing a very essential part of skin care routine. Without cleansing, pores can get clogged because of dust, sweat and make-up which leads up to acne and other skin problems.

Consider taking supplements.

Skin is the largest organ of the body and sometimes food is not enough to supply all the nutrients it needs. Apart from foods, we can take supplements to augment any inadequate nutrients. This can be in the form of oral intake such as glutathione capsules and antioxidant powdered drinks or, topical application such as collagen masks and Vitamin C serum.

Skin Care Habits 8: Get Enough Sleep

Get enough sleep.

Having at least 7 hours of sleep a day is an integral part of your skin care habits as it primarily allows the skin cells to regenerate and repair. This is why the term ‘beauty sleep’ became popular. When we sleep, our body releases a growth hormone that is necessary for the production of collagen responsible for healthy, vibrant, and younger-looking skin.


And… that’s it! As your skin concerns evolve, you may want to develop a more advanced regimen or treatment that includes additional products, such as micro needling, a regular visit with your dermatologist or just a basic home remedies. For everyday care, though, the advice above can help keep your skin looking bright and healthy with almost no fuss.

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